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I.D Pet: Combination of A Dog Collar and A USB Drive

March 1, 2009

One of most common complaints are that the pet owners pets are getting lost. The innovative pet holder by Ji-Hoon Chung can be said to be a tool that is very helpful for all the pet owners. The device looks like a normal pet holder but at a closer look one can see that it’s more than just that. Tucked away in this normal pet collar is the USB pen drive on which the user can feed in the data about contact details which will facilitate in the tracking of the pet in case it is lost. We can save information like pet’s name, blood type, address and phone number, then people can find the lost pet’s owner very quickly. So, it is a handy solution for the pet owners.

I.D Pet



I.D Pet


I.D Pet

One Comment leave one →
  1. March 2, 2009 2:43 am

    Chatterball has a great idea here. I like the idea of using a USB pen to hold all the information about our pets. This will prevent our precious pets to be lost for too long, since almost everyone owns a computer and can read the information. With a microchip you will need to find the right technology to get the information, while both the pet and pet owners grieve over each other.

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